English Russiаn

Sightseeing in Armenia

When we think of Armenia, it's the mountains that come to our mind first. We are one with this terrain, these snowy peaks, deep canyons and blooming valleys that spread wide between the rocky ranges, and, in our tours to Armenia, we want to share this with you!

The mountains of Armenia, ancient and mighty, symbolize our aspirations and our will. They bear centuries-old wisdom, acting as a link between our past, present and future. The mountains are the heart and the soul of Armenia, the manifestation of harmonious unity of the man, the nature and God. 

We live on this land for thousands of years, coming from the depth of history; our journey is one of struggles and challenges, but just like our mountains, we stand still, our will is unbroken. We are the people of the mountains. 

The power that this land gives us, its ancient, sacral energy, flows through our veins, and this creative force is the root for the balance for it is with creation that we overcome destruction. We, the people, are the spirit of Armenia, and to feel the spirit of Armenia is to touch the hearts of its people, experience their openness and warm hospitality. 

This is our Armenia, the way we see, feel and experience it every day, and we hope to share this Armenia with you. 

P.S. Above you can get acquainted with the beauty of our magical country, which you can see by choosing our tours to Armenia. Armenia's attractions are divided by species and each has a photo and description.